Marvel’s ‘Secret Invasion‘ is the much-awaited television series with Nick Fury in the lead role. Hollywood Legend Samuel L. Jackson plays the role of the former S.H.I.E.L.D.S (Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division) Director. Secret Invasion is the 9th television series from MCU. (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
In Marvel Comics, Secret Invasion was a huge crossover event and the series has been following a similar storyline. The series is based on the extraterrestrial species Skrulls, who have replaced key individuals on Earth and plan to secretly invade the planet.
Secret Invasion: Episode 3 Recap
Gi’ah (Emilia Clarke) discovers that Gravik (Kingsley Ben-Adir) has created a weapon that can transform Skrulls into Superskrulls. Gi’ah along with her father, Talos (Ben Mendelsohn), and Nick Fury foil Gravik’s plan to attack a United Nations Convy airplane.
However, Gravik found out that Gi’ah was the mole in the Skrull resistance and kills her. Meanwhile, Priscilla, Nick Fury’s wife is making plans to meet up with Gravik.
Episode 4: Is Gi’ah dead?
The burning question on everyone’s mind was whether Emilia Clarke’s character was dead or not. Seeing how Agent Maria Hill had an early exit from the show, fans were left in suspense after the cliffhanger from Episode 3.
Gi’ah is very much alive as before foiling Gravik’s plan, she had used the weapon and transformed herself into a Superskrull. Gi’ah later meets up with Talos and confronts her father about their plan of finding the Skrulls a new planet to call home.
Episode 4: Nick Fury is betrayed
Nick Fury sets up a bug on his Skrull wife, Priscilla’s phone, and finds out that she met up with James Rhodes. Rhodes asks Priscilla to kill Fury but she refuses. She heads back home to find Fury waiting for her.
Fury confronts Priscilla and feels betrayed. He tells her that he longer considers himself her husband and has no choice but to leave her. Marvel dropped a major plot twist in this episode after revealing that James Rhodes (Don Cheadle) is a Skrull. It is unsure whether he is a Skrull or if his identity was stolen.
President Ritson is in town to hold talks with the Russian Government over the attacks in Moscow. As his convoy is leaving the airport, it is attacked by Gravik and his Skrull rebels who impersonate the Russians.
Fury reaches the scene and manages to save President Rixton. However during the gunfire exchange, Nick shoots Gravik, but nothing happens to him as he is now a Superskrull. He kills Talos and leaves the scene of the attack.
Episode 4 of Secret Invasion ends with yet another cliffhanger. Is Talos still alive? Where is Gi’ah? What happens to Colonel James Rhodes who was also part of the convoy? Hopefully, all questions are answered in Episode 5 of Secret Invasion, until then stay tuned.
Source – Marvel