Kamikatsu is a fantasy comedy anime series that premiered in April 2023. It is based on a manga of the same name by Aoi Akashiro and Sonsho Hangetsuban. The story follows Yukito Urabe, a boy who is transported to a world without gods or religion after participating in a cult ritual. There, he meets Mitama, a little girl who claims to be the land goddess, and Aruaru, a deviant girl who becomes obsessed with him. Together, they face various challenges and enemies in this godless world.
Will There Be Kamikatsu Season 2?
As of now, there is no official announcement about Kamikatsu season 2. The first season of the anime consisted of 12 episodes and ended on July 6, 2023. The anime adaptation covered the first four volumes of the manga, which has seven volumes as of May 2023. Therefore, there is still enough source material for a second season.
However, the decision to renew an anime series depends on many factors, such as popularity, sales, ratings, and feedback. Kamikatsu received mixed reviews from critics and fans, who praised its humor and animation but criticized its plot and characters. The anime also faced some production issues, such as the delay of episode 8 due to COVID-19. The sales of the manga and the Blu-ray/DVD volumes are not very impressive either.
Therefore, it is hard to predict if Kamikatsu Season 2 will ever happen. It may take some time for the studio or the publisher to make an announcement. For now, fans can only hope for the best and support the series by buying the official merchandise.
Kamikatsu Season 2 Release Date
If Kamikatsu season 2 is greenlit, it may take at least a year or more for it to be produced and released. Assuming that the production starts in late 2023 or early 2024, the earliest possible release date for Kamikatsu season 2 could be sometime in 2025.
However, this is only a speculation based on the average production time of anime series. There may be other factors that could affect the release date, such as scheduling conflicts, budget constraints, or unforeseen circumstances. Therefore, fans should wait for an official confirmation before getting their hopes up.
Where Can You Watch Kamikatsu?
Kamikatsu is available for streaming on Crunchyroll , where you can watch it with English subtitles or dubbing. You can also watch it on Aniplus TV, but only in certain regions. The anime is not licensed by any other platform as of now.
Kamikatsu Season 2 Plot
The plot of Kamikatsu season 2 will likely follow the events of the manga from volume 5 onwards. The first season ended with a cliffhanger, where Yukito learned that Mitama is actually one of the Archons, false gods who rule over the world with an iron fist. He also discovered that Clen, his friend from the Empire, is actually Loki, another Archon who has been manipulating him and his friends.
The second season may explore more about the origin and nature of the Archons, as well as their plans for the world and Mitama. Yukito may also face more dangers and enemies as he tries to protect Mitama and Aruaru from Loki and his allies. He may also learn more about his own role and destiny in this godless world.
Kamikatsu Season 2 Trailer
There is no trailer for Kamikatsu season 2 yet, as the anime has not been officially renewed. However, you can watch the trailer for the first season below:
Kamikatsu Characters, Cast & Anime Staff
I. Characters & Cast
The main characters and cast of Kamikatsu are:
- Yukito Urabe: Junya Enoki (Japanese), Austin Tindle (English)
- Mitama: Akari Kitō (Japanese), Sarah Wiedenheft (English)
- Aruaru: Kana Hanazawa (Japanese), Bryn Apprill (English)
- Siluril: Sumire Uesaka (Japanese), Lindsay Seidel (English)
- Roy: Sho Fujisawa (Japanese), Travis Mullenix (English)
- Clen/Loki: Megumi Ogata (Japanese), Meli Grant (English)
II. Anime Staff
The main staff of Kamikatsu are:
- Director: Yuki Inaba
- Script: Aoi Akashiro
- Music: Yasunori Iwasaki
- Studio: Studio Palette