Vinland Saga is one of the most acclaimed anime series of recent years, based on the historical manga by Makoto Yukimura. The story follows Thorfinn Thordarson, a young Viking who seeks revenge for his father’s death, but also dreams of finding a peaceful land called Vinland. The anime combines epic battles, political intrigue, and character development in a captivating way.
The first season of Vinland Saga aired in 2019 and was produced by WIT Studio. The second season was announced in 2022 and was released in 2023 by Studio MAPPA. The second season adapted the second arc of the manga, which focused on Thorfinn’s growth and journey to Vinland.
Fans of the series are eagerly waiting for the third season, which will continue Thorfinn’s saga and introduce new characters and challenges. Here is everything we know so far about Vinland Saga Season 3.
Will there be Vinland Saga Season 3?
As of now, there is no official confirmation or announcement about Vinland Saga Season 3. However, there are several reasons to be optimistic about the possibility of a third season.
First of all, the manga is still ongoing and has plenty of material left to adapt. The second season covered chapters 55 to 101 of the manga, which means there are over 80 chapters available for a third season. The manga is currently in its fifth arc, which is expected to be the final one.
Secondly, the anime has been very well received by critics and fans alike, winning several awards and gaining popularity worldwide. The anime is available on Netflix and Crunchyroll, which gives it a wide audience and exposure. The anime also boosts the sales of the manga, which is another incentive for the producers to continue the adaptation.
Thirdly, the character designer of the anime, Takahiko Abiru, hinted at the possibility of a third season in a tweet after the second season finale. He thanked the staff and fans for their support and said that “Thorfinn’s journey will continue”. While this is not an official confirmation, it shows that there is interest and enthusiasm from the creators to make more seasons.
What chapter is Vinland Saga Season 3?
The War arc, comprising the first 54 chapters of the manga, was the basis for the first season of the anime adaptation. The second season followed with the Slave arc, which spanned chapters 55 to 99. Based on this sequence, the third season of Vinland Saga is likely to follow the Eastern Expedition arc, which encompasses chapters 100 to 166.
Vinland Saga Season 3 Release Date
Since there is no official announcement about Vinland Saga Season 3 yet, it is hard to predict when it will come out. However, based on some factors, we can make an educated guess.
The first season of Vinland Saga aired from July to December 2019, with 24 episodes. The second season was announced in January 2022 and aired from January to June 2023, with 24 episodes as well. Assuming that the third season will have a similar number of episodes and production time, we can expect it to be announced in late 2023 or early 2024, and to air in late 2024 or early 2025.
Of course, this is just speculation and there may be delays or changes due to various reasons, such as studio availability, staff changes, etc. We will update this article as soon as we get any official information about Vinland Saga Season 3 release date.
Where Can You Watch Vinland Saga?
Vinland Saga is available to watch on Netflix and Crunchyroll. Netflix has both seasons of the anime with English subtitles and dubbing. Crunchyroll has only the first season with English subtitles. Both platforms also have other languages available for subtitles and dubbing.
Vinland Saga Season 3 Plot
Vinland Saga Season 3 will likely adapt the third arc of the manga, which is called “Baltic Sea War”. This arc covers chapters 102 to 146 of the manga and takes place four years after the events of the second season.
In this arc, Thorfinn and his companions finally reach Vinland, but they face new challenges and enemies there. They encounter native tribes who are hostile to them, as well as other Viking settlers who are exploiting the land and people. Thorfinn also reunites with some old friends and foes from his past, such as Thorkell, Canute, Gudrid, Hild, Sigurd, Einar, Leif Erikson, and more.
The third arc also introduces new characters who play important roles in Thorfinn’s story, such as Garmr (a berserker warrior), Hafdan (a powerful chieftain), Ketil (a greedy landowner), Halfdan (Ketil’s father), Karli (a native boy), Pordis (Thorfinn’s mother), Ylva (Thorfinn’s sister), Thorgil (Thorkell’s nephew), Floki (a former Jomsviking commander), Arnheid (Floki’s wife), Snake (a former Jomsviking), and more.
The third arc is full of action, drama, humor, and emotion, as Thorfinn tries to fulfill his father’s wish of creating a peaceful settlement in Vinland, while also dealing with his own inner demons and the conflicts of the Viking world.
Vinland Saga Season 3 Trailer
There is no trailer for Vinland Saga Season 3 yet, as the season has not been announced or confirmed. However, you can watch the trailer for Vinland Saga Season 2 below, which gives a glimpse of what happened in the second season and what to expect from the third season.
Vinland Saga Characters, Cast & Anime Staff
I. Characters & Cast
The main characters and cast of Vinland Saga are:
- Thorfinn Thordarson: The protagonist of the story, a young Viking who seeks revenge for his father’s death, but also dreams of finding a peaceful land called Vinland. He is voiced by Yuto Uemura in Japanese and Aleks Le in English.
- Einar: A former slave who becomes Thorfinn’s friend and companion. He is voiced by Shunsuke Takeuchi in Japanese and Alejandro Saab in English.
- Canute: The former prince of Denmark who becomes the king of England and Scandinavia. He is voiced by Kensho Ono in Japanese and Griffin Burns in English.
- Thorkell: A legendary warrior who is Thorfinn’s uncle and Canute’s ally. He is voiced by Akio Otsuka in Japanese and Patrick Seitz in English.
- Gudrid: A former slave who becomes Thorfinn’s wife and joins him on his journey to Vinland. She is voiced by Rie Takahashi in Japanese and Erica Mendez in English.
- Hild: A former blacksmith who seeks revenge on Thorfinn for killing her father. She is voiced by Sayaka Senbongi in Japanese and Kayli Mills in English.
- Sigurd: A former slave who becomes Thorfinn’s friend and companion. He is voiced by Hiroki Yasumoto in Japanese and Lucien Dodge in English.
- Leif Erikson: A famous explorer who inspires Thorfinn to find Vinland. He is voiced by Hiroki Goto in Japanese and Doug Erholtz in English.
II. Anime Staff
The main staff of Vinland Saga anime are:
- Original Creator: Makoto Yukimura
- Director: Shuhei Yabuta
- Character Designer: Takahiko Abiru
- Music Composer: Yutaka Yamada
- Animation Studio: WIT Studio (Season 1), Studio MAPPA (Season 2)