Ever since Netflix greenlit the fourth and final season of its beloved adaptation of The Umbrella Academy graphic novel series, fans have wondered when and how the series would come to its momentous conclusion. The show, based on the comic book series of the same name by Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá, follows the lives of seven siblings with extraordinary abilities who were adopted by Sir Reginald Hargreeves (Colm Feore) and trained to save the world.
Season 3 of The Umbrella Academy ended with the siblings successfully averting the apocalypse, but it also saw the team find themselves in a very different world from the one they knew (again). Though the siblings ended the last season trying to cultivate new peaceful lives without powers, fans know that another world-ending crisis is probably just around the corner.
As fans speculate on what’s next for the superhero siblings in the truncated fourth season, here’s everything we know so far about Season 4 of The Umbrella Academy.
Is There Any Released Date For Umbrella Academy 4?
Digital Spy reported that there’s no official release date for Season 4 of The Umbrella Academy yet, but it is likely the season will come out in late 2023/early 2024. And when it does premiere, all the episodes will be available exclusively on Netflix, which is where you can also catch up on the first three seasons of the show.
Is There a Trailer for The Umbrella Academy Season 4?
As of now, there is no trailer for Season 4 of The Umbrella Academy. However, Netflix typically releases trailers for their original shows a few weeks to a month before the release date. This article will be updated to include the latest trailer upon its release but in the meantime, here’s a video explaining the ending of Season 3:
When and Where Is The Umbrella Academy Season 4 Filming?
Some good news here for the fans. The Umbrella Academy Season 4 began filming in February 2023, and with the shorter length of this season (only six episodes), it shouldn’t be long before production wraps. The show is filmed in Toronto and Hamilton, Ontario.
Who Is Making The Umbrella Academy Season 4?
Steve Blackman created The Umbrella Academy for Netflix while Jeremy Slater worked on its development. Blackman continues serving as the series showrunner and directing several episodes. The series is based on the comic book series written by Gerard Way, illustrated by Gabriel Bá, and published by Dark Horse Comics. The writers for Season 4 include Blackman, Slater, Lauren Schmidt Hissrich, and Mark Bomback. The cinematographers for the show are Neville Kidd and Craig Wrobleski, and the composer is Jeff Russo. Paco Cabezas will return to direct in the final season.
Who’s In the Cast of The Umbrella Academy Season 4?
Town and Country Mag wrote that the principal cast of The Umbrella Academy is expected to return for Season 4, including Elliot Page as Viktor Hargreeves aka Number Seven, Tom Hopper as Luther Hargreeves aka Number One, David Castañeda as Diego Hargreeves aka Number Two, Emmy Raver-Lampman as Alison Hargreeves aka Number Three, Aidan Gallagher as Five (no other name), and Robert Sheehan as Klaus Hargreeves aka Number Four. Colm Feore returns as Sir Reginald Hargreeve, the Umbrella Academy’s super villain-esque adoptive father.
Adam Godley is expected to return to provide the voice and facial movements of Pogo, Reginald’s chimpanzee assistant, while Ken Hall will continue to provide his motion capture movements on set. Ritu Arya will reprise her role as Diego’s partner Lila Pitts, another super-powered woman who was raised apart from the Hargreeves children.
In a universe altered by the Umbrella Academy’s many time-traversing missions, some previously deceased characters were revealed to be resurrected at the end of the third season. As such, Cazzie David’s Jayme Hargreeves/Sparrow Number Six will be making a comeback in Season 4.
Though the Umbrella Academy’s version of Justin H. Min’s Ben Hargreeves finally moved onto the afterlife at the end of Season 2, Min will reprise his role as the alternative universe form of Ben, the former Number Two of Sir Hargreeves’ Sparrow Academy. Sloane Hargreeves (Genesis Rodriguez), disappeared in the new timeline created at the end of Season 3, so the status of this Sparrow (who is also Luther/Number One’s wife) is still up in the air.
We also know that some new characters would be introduced in the fourth season. Nick Offerman and Megan Mullaly will appear as Dr.s Gene and Jean Thibideau, a married small-town mayor, and a conspiracy-obsessed community college professor. David Cross will also appear as business owner Sy Grossman. A mysterious waitress named Kailee and an attorney named Cassius Newman will also reportedly be featured, but the actors playing those roles have yet to be announced.