The Ancient Magus’ Bride is a popular dark fantasy manga series by Kore Yamazaki that has been adapted into an anime by Wit Studio and Studio Kafka. The story follows Chise Hatori, a 15-year-old Japanese girl who is sold as a slave to Elias Ainsworth, a mysterious and inhuman magus who makes her his apprentice and bride. Together, they explore the magical world of Britain and encounter various creatures and mysteries along the way.
The anime has received critical acclaim for its beautiful animation, captivating story, and complex characters. The first season aired from October 2017 to March 2018, followed by a second season from April 2023 to Jun 22, 2023, which is split into two parts, season 2 part 2 is scheduled to air in Oct 5, 2023. Fans are eagerly awaiting the third season, which will continue the adaptation of the manga. Here is everything we know so far about The Ancient Magus’ Bride Season 3.
Will there be The Ancient Magus’ Bride Season 3?
The good news is, The Ancient Magus’ Bride has yet to be confirmed for a third season. That is not to say that the series will not receive a third season, but it is hard to know if and when that will be announced at this time. The bad news is that there is no release date yet for the third season. However, based on the previous seasons’ schedules, we can expect The Ancient Magus’ Bride Season 3 to premiere sometime in 2024.
The Ancient Magus’ Bride Season 3 Release Date
As mentioned above, there is no official release date for The Ancient Magus’ Bride Season 3 yet. However, we can make some predictions based on the previous seasons’ schedules and the manga’s progress. The first season covered the first nine volumes of the manga, while the second season covered volumes 10 to 15. The manga is currently ongoing and has 19 volumes as of July 2021. Assuming that the third season will cover six volumes as well, it will need at least four more volumes to be published before it can start production. Therefore, we can estimate that The Ancient Magus’ Bride Season 3 will premiere sometime in 2024, or possibly later if there are any delays or breaks in the manga’s serialization.
Where Can You Watch The Ancient Magus’ Bride?
The first and second seasons of The Ancient Magus’ Bride are available for streaming on Crunchyroll with English subtitles and on Funimation with English dubbing. You can also watch the three-part prequel OVA series, The Ancient Magus’ Bride: Those Awaiting a Star, on Crunchyroll. The third season will likely be streamed on these platforms as well when it airs.
The Ancient Magus’ Bride Season 3 Plot
The plot of The Ancient Magus’ Bride Season 3 will continue the adaptation of the manga from volume 16 onwards. Without spoiling too much, we can expect to see more development in Chise and Elias’ relationship, as well as their interactions with other characters such as Ruth, Silky, Alice, Renfred, Stella, and Joseph. We will also learn more about the history and secrets of the magi world, such as the origins of Elias, the nature of Chise’s sleigh beggy powers, and the role of the College of Magic. Moreover, we will witness new adventures and challenges for Chise and Elias as they face new enemies and allies, such as Ashen Eye, Cartaphilus, Lindel, Marielle, and Philomela.
The Ancient Magus’ Bride Season 3 Trailer
There is no trailer for The Ancient Magus’ Bride Season 3 yet. However, you can watch the teaser visual that was released for Season 2, Part 2 below.
The Ancient Magus’ Bride Characters, Cast & Anime Staff
I. Characters & Cast
The main characters and cast of The Ancient Magus’ Bride are:
- Chise Hatori (voiced by Atsumi Tanezaki in Japanese and Dani Chambers in English): A young Japanese girl who is sold as a slave to Elias Ainsworth, a magus who makes her his apprentice and bride. She has a rare ability called sleigh beggy that allows her to absorb and manipulate magic at a high rate.
- Elias Ainsworth (voiced by Ryota Takeuchi in Japanese and Brian Mathis in English): A mysterious and inhuman magus who buys Chise as his slave and teaches her magic. He has a skull-like head and can shapeshift into various forms. He is also known as the Thorn Mage or the Pilum Muralis.
- Ruth (voiced by Koki Uchiyama in Japanese and Austin Tindle in English): A black dog who becomes Chise’s familiar after she saves him from a curse. He is loyal and protective of Chise and can communicate with her telepathically.
- Silky (voiced by Aya Endo in Japanese and Rachael Messer in English): A silver-haired fairy who acts as the caretaker of Elias’ house. She is silent and diligent, but also cares deeply for Chise and Elias. She is also known as Silver Lady or Ariel.
- Alice (voiced by Ayumu Murase in Japanese and Morgan Garrett in English): A young alchemist who works for Renfred, a former friend and rival of Elias. She is initially hostile to Chise, but later becomes her friend and confidant.
- Renfred (voiced by Junichi Suwabe in Japanese and J. Michael Tatum in English): A skilled alchemist who lost his arm to Cartaphilus, a mysterious being who seeks immortality. He is distrustful of magi like Elias, but eventually cooperates with him for a common goal.
- Stella Barklem (voiced by Sayaka Ohara in Japanese and Monica Rial in English): A cheerful and kind girl who befriends Chise after she saves her from a fairy kidnapping. She has a brother named Ethan who is also involved in the magical world.
- Joseph (voiced by Yuuki Kaji in Japanese and Todd Haberkorn in English): A mysterious being who possesses the body of Cartaphilus, a cursed alchemist who cannot die. He is obsessed with finding a way to end his suffering and experiments on various creatures and people, including Chise.
II. Anime Staff
The anime staff of The Ancient Magus’ Bride are:
- Director: Norihiro Naganuma (Season 1), Kazuaki Terasawa (Season 2)
- Series Composition: Norihiro Naganuma (Season 1), Kazuaki Terasawa (Season 2)
- Script: Kore Yamazaki, Norihiro Naganuma, Aya Takaha, Yoko Yonaiyama
- Character Design: Hirotaka Kato
- Music: Junichi Matsumoto
- Studio: Wit Studio (Season 1), Studio Kafka (Season 2)