The Marvel Cinematic Universe(MCU) has created an endless series of movies and spinoffs that are still new to the eyes. The journey from comics to the silver screen has left a huge legacy for Marvel fans. Ever since Marvel started doing independent production, MCU has come into existence. With Stan Lee’s vision and creative team, Marvel has created this fantasy universe for fans across the world.
With Stan Lee’s legacy, Marvel Universe is set to take it forward. A documentary is created for the legend to see his journey from a comic writer to the King of Marvel. The journey of Stan Lee is filled with ups and downs and how he turned the perception of art.
Legacy of Stan Lee Continues
Ever since Stan Lee passed away on 12 November 2018, many fans have questioned his appearance in the Marvel movies. Will he still be appearing or its the end of Lee’s legacy? MCU team has agreed that the creator of Spiderman will be seen as a part of the movie but how that is something still to be figured out. There could be some montages of his appearance or something that would bring the Stan Lee flavor to the movies. Stan Lee was last seen in Avengers: Endgame.
Stan Lee- Disney+ Documentary
Disney+ has tributed the creator of Marvel with a documentary that will take us in his life. the man who got an idea from an advertisement in a newspaper and from his uncle brought revolution in cinema. Fiction was brought to reality.
From a caption that reads, “100 years of dreaming. 100 years of creating. 100 years of Stan Lee,” a teaser video was also released alongside the announcement, which features some brief footage of Lee’s iconic cameos from various Marvel Studios films in the past, eventually zooming out to an artistic rendition of his face. While the footage showcased by Marvel Studios does not offer any additional insight into what aspects of his life and career the documentary will focus on, it does reveal that it is expected to debut sometime in 2023- according to Collider.
Some of Marvel Upcoming Movies
Even though Stan Lee will no longer be seen as a cameo, many other movies have been lined up that will blow your mind. After The Eternals was released, now MCU is coming up with The Marvels where many new cast will be seen, and might be a return of Captain Marvel. Another is Kraven the Hunter, Madame Web, Deadpool 3, Captain America: Brave New World, Avengers: Kang’s Dynasty, and many more. Brace yourself for a Marvel ride this year.
Phase 5 Of MCU and More
Phase 5 Of MCU will feature some of the movies that are in the pipeline for release this year. Phase Five of the Marvel Cinematic Universe will showcase some of the American superhero movies and series that are based on the Marvel characters like Nick Fury. This Phase Five will feature all Marvel spin-offs and movies set to be released in 2023 end and mid-2024.