Mushoku Tensei, the epic anime series, returns with its much-anticipated second season. This fascinating show, based on the popular light novel series, takes us on a journey through a magical world with a distinctive twist. The series promises intriguing experiences and unforgettable personalities as it follows the story of Rudeus Greyrat, a man who reincarnates in a new world after an unhappy existence. With the next second season scheduled to adapt volumes seven and up of the light novels, fans are looking forward to its July 3, 2023 premiere. Mushoku Tensei Season 2 will enthrall anime fans worldwide, directed by the outstanding Hiroki Hirano, with writing supervision by Toshiya Ono and character designs by Sanae Shimada.
Yumi Uchiyama voice of Rudeus Greyrat
Yumi Uchiyama leads the cast, contributing her voice to the protagonist, Rudeus Greyratin Mushoku Tensei 2. Uchiyama’s brilliance shines through as she portrays Rudeus with depth and emotion. Uchiyama’s important roles in other anime series, such as Blue Exorcist, Strike the Blood, and Overload, may be familiar to fans.
Haruka Shiraishi voice of Sarah
Haruka Shiraishi is an outstanding actress who plays Sarah. Shiraishi brings this critical part to life with her outstanding voice-acting abilities. Audiences may be familiar with Shiraishi’s earlier work on From Up on Poppy Hill, Wonder Egg Priority.
Yu Kobayashi voice of Suzanne
Yu Kobayashi brings her outstanding talent to the part of Suzanne. Kobayashi gives a distinct flavor to the character with her distinct voice and various interpretations. Fans may remember Kobayashi from his remarkable roles in Steins; Gate, and Attack On Titan.
Wataru Hatano voice of Timothy
Wataru Hatano, who voices Timothy, gives a fantastic performance that gives the part depth and charm. Hatano’s past work in Naytto: Shippuden and Dance with Devils demonstrates his versatility and expertise as a voice actor.
Chiharu Sawashiro voice of Mimir
Chiharu Sawashiro portrays Mimir with flair and versatility, immersing viewers in the world of Mushoku Tensei with her engaging performance. Sawashiro’s previous roles in Fuuto PI and Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway demonstrates her ability to bring varied characters to life.
Itaru Yamamoto voice of Patrice
The skilled Itaru Yamamoto lends his voice to the character of Patrice in Mushoku Tensei. Yamamoto’s performance enthralls spectators with its distinct energy and charisma. Yamamoto’s exceptional performances in Aldnoah Zero and Ajin may be familiar to fans.
Kosuke Toriumi voice of Soldat Heckler
The talented Kosuke Toriumi provides the voice for the role of Soldat Heckler, giving it a rich vocal quality. Toriumi’s prior work in The Last: Naruto the Movie, Ressha Sentai ToQger, demonstrates his versatility and expertise as a voice actor.