Star Trek Picard: Best of Geordi La Forge – The 5 best episodes with the chief engineer of the Enterprise

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Geordi La Forge, the esteemed chief engineer of the USS Enterprise, has finally made his much-anticipated return in Star Trek: Picard season 3. Although his appearance may have been a long time coming, it was well worth the wait. In fact, his character has been so beloved by fans that we’ve compiled a list of the top 5 episodes from “The Next Century” that showcase his brilliance.

But Geordi’s journey did not start in Picard. He was a regular on Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG) for seven seasons and four movies and had many adventures and challenges. He also had some of the most interesting relationships in the show, especially with Data, Ro Laren, and Hugh.

We will look back at the 5 best TNG episodes featuring Geordi La Forge and showcase his character development, skills, and heart. You should watch these episodes before or after watching Picard to get a deeper appreciation of Geordi and his legacy.

Star Trek Picard: 5 Best Episodes of Geordi La Forge

On a Thin Line (S03E07)

Star Trek Picard - Best of Geordi La Forge
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First on our list is “On a Thin Line” (S03E07), where Geordi finds himself stranded on a planet with a Romulan, forced to work together to survive. The two unlikely allies must put aside their differences and utilize their skills to get off the planet alive.

I’m Hugh (S05E23)

Star Trek Picard - Best of Geordi La Forge
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Next up is “I’m Hugh” (S05E23), where Geordi befriends a Borg drone, Hugh, who develops an individual personality. As Captain Picard seeks revenge on the Borg, Geordi’s friendship with Hugh forces him to question his motives and consider a different path.

So Close and Yet So Far (S05E24)

Star Trek Picard - Best of Geordi La Forge
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In “So Close and Yet So Far” (S05E24), Geordi and Ro Laren are presumed dead after an explosion, but they soon realize they are trapped between dimensions as “ghosts”. Working together, they find a way to return to the physical world and reunite with their crewmates.

Visit from the Old Enterprise (S06E04)

Star Trek Picard - Best of Geordi La Forge
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“Visit from the Old Enterprise” (S06E04) sees Geordi and the crew of the Enterprise-D encounter Scotty, who has accidentally traveled 70 years into the future. Geordi, as the new chief engineer, is particularly intrigued by Scotty’s visit and the technological advancements that have been made since his time.

Temporal Paradox (VOY S05E06)

Star Trek Picard - Best of Geordi La Forge
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Finally, Geordi appears as a guest in “Temporal Paradox” (VOY S05E06), where he must stop Chakotay and Kim from changing the past, which could have catastrophic consequences. In this episode, Geordi is the captain of the USS Challenger, taking place 15 years after the events of “Voyager”.

These unforgettable episodes feature Geordi La Forge’s exceptional talents and captivating character development. “Star Trek: Picard” season 3 is available to stream on Amazon Prime Video and Paramount+. Make sure to catch up on all the latest “Star Trek” content!

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