Enter the world of Doctor Who, where time-traveling adventures and iconic villains reign supreme. None of them can compete with the evil appeal of The Master, the enigmatic Doctor’s arch-nemesis. Sacha Dhawan, who expertly portrayed this monster throughout Jodie Whittaker‘s era on the renowned sci-fi drama, has made a tantalizing reveal. While now starring in a BBC crime drama, Dhawan has expressed a desire to reprise his infamous role as The Master. Fans are ecstatic at the idea of his return, wondering what unfinished business awaits them in the ever-expanding universe of Doctor Who.
Sacha Dhawan’s hopeful return
In an exclusive interview with Digital Spy, Sacha Dhawan, the mastermind behind The Master’s evil persona, teased fans with the idea of his triumphant return to Doctor Who. Despite his apparent conclusion in ‘The Power of the Doctor,’ Dhawan couldn’t suppress his excitement for the show’s rebirth under the renowned Russell T. Davies.
The conversation was filled with appreciation for Davies’ vision, Dhawan’s enthusiasm for the role, and the various story avenues left open. ‘I felt like I kind of finished my era with Chris Chibnall,’ he remarked. ‘But to be honest, when I heard that Russell was coming back, I know Russell a little bit socially, but I’ve never worked with him. And I think he’s fantastic. I think, you know, what he’s going to do is going to be amazing.’ Fans are excited to see Dhawan reprise his evil role as The Master in future time-travel escapades.
Sacha Dhawan’s unforgettable incarnation
Sacha Dhawan’s Master brought a new level of evilness to the iconic character. His villainous schemes kept fans on the edge of their seats, from exposing his identity in a tense stand-off with the Thirteenth Doctor to making surprising alliances with Cybermen. The Master, in a daring move, unleashed the Cybermen’s destructive potential, resulting in the development of Cybermasters, Time Lord bodies modified into fearsome cybernetic rivals. The Master, defeated but not destroyed, continues to torment the Doctor and wreak destruction on the universe.
Despite the contentious nature of his character’s reintroduction, Dhawan’s rendition gave The Master fresh vitality, making fans hungry for another confrontation with the Doctor. Could the Master’s nefarious machinations find fresh ground to tread in Russell T. Davies’ new age, which promises fascinating adventures?
As the Doctor Who universe expands and evolves, Sacha Dhawan’s willingness to reprise the role of The Master opens up exciting possibilities. While fans eagerly anticipate the arrival of the Fifteenth Doctor and his adventures, the enticing idea of Dhawan’s return keeps the spirit of time-traveling adventure alive. So, dear Whovians, get ready, because the Master’s ‘unfinished business’ could lead to a thrilling encore in the Doctor’s everlasting journey. In the TARDIS, exciting times await!