Moana is a Disney animated film that tells the story of a young Polynesian girl. Dwayne Johnson expressed a mix of humility and enthusiasm as he announced the release date for Disney‘s highly-anticipated live-action adaptation of Moana. The film is scheduled to grace theaters on June 27, 2025, marking a significant nine-year gap since the release of the original. Quoting a character from Moana, Dwayne Johnson, aged 51, took to Instagram to share a profound message: “Sometimes our strengths are hidden deep beneath the surface. In certain instances, they may lie far below.”
Dwayne Johnson, known for his role as Black Adam, expressed his deep gratitude as he shared his privilege of showcasing the legends, songs, and dance of the Polynesian culture with audiences and their families. Alongside his heartfelt message, he included a captivating image of a Hawaiian island, accompanied by the enchanting voice of Olivia Foa’i singing the Moana track “Tulou Tagaloa.” His final words were filled with love and a sense of spiritual power, saying, “Love & mana.”
Embracing Cultural Heritage: Dwayne Johnson’s Connection to Moana and the Live-Action Remake
During Disney’s 2023 shareholder meeting in April, Dwayne Johnson made a momentous announcement about the upcoming live-action remake of Moana. Taking to Instagram, he emphasized the significance of the story, describing it as a reflection of his culture and a representation of the grace, strength, and mana (spiritual power) of his people. Johnson expressed his pride in embracing his cultural heritage, both in his identity and soul, and expressed a deep personal connection to the role of Maui, inspired by his late grandfather, High Chief Peter Maivia.
To further build excitement, the wrestler-turned-actor filmed a video on a Hawaiian beach alongside his daughters, Tiana (5) and Jasmine (7), sharing their joy and enthusiasm in announcing the project. Johnson assured fans that the live-action reimagining would retain beloved elements from the original 2016 film, such as the return of Moana herself, the iconic characters like Gramma Tala, the vibrant music and dance, Te Fiti, Pua the pig, the village, and the awe-inspiring power of the ocean. Additionally, both the endearing chicken Heihei and Johnson’s charismatic demigod character, Maui, are set to make a comeback, ensuring a nostalgic and thrilling experience for fans.
Auli’i Cravalho’s Role Transition: From Voice Actress to Executive Producer
In May, Auli’i Cravalho confirmed that she would not be reprising her role as the voice of Moana in the live-action remake. However, the talented star of Mean Girls: The Musical revealed that she would be taking on the role of an executive producer for the 2025 film. As an executive producer, Cravalho will be involved in the process of selecting a new actress to portray the title role.
Cravalho expressed her admiration for the character of Moana, acknowledging the profound impact she has had on redefining Disney princesses. She highlighted Moana’s inspiring strength and unwavering determination, which resonates with audiences worldwide. Cravalho expressed her excitement about sharing Moana’s story in a fresh and innovative way, reflecting the sentiments of those who worked on bringing the character to life.