“Kizazi Moto Generation Fire” is an anthology of short films produced by Cape Town-based Triggerfish Animation Studios. The series brings together the creative talents of filmmakers from Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, and Zimbabwe, allowing them to share their stories without constraints or preconditions.
Executive produced by Peter Ramsey, co-director of the Oscar-winning “Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse,” alongside Triggerfish’s Tendayi Nyeke and Anthony Silverston, the series embraces the concept of Afrofuturism. Through its ten distinct stories, “Kizazi Moto Generation Fire” explores the intricate process of reconciling the past with the present, all within a futuristic narrative framework.
Speaking about the series at the Annecy Festival, Ramsey highlighted the significance of Afrofuturism and its impact on the world, drawing inspiration from the Marvel blockbuster “Black Panther.” The success of “Black Panther” demonstrated the universal appeal of stories presented through the lens of science fiction, inspiring the creators of “Kizazi Moto Generation Fire” to share their own unique narratives in a similar fashion.
The anthology presents a wide range of futuristic visions of Africa, with each story offering a distinct perspective on the intersection of technology, culture, and society. By harnessing the power of science fiction, the series aims to provide a platform for African creators to tell their stories authentically, resonating with audiences on a global scale.
“Kizazi Moto Generation Fire” promises to captivate viewers with its blend of Afrofuturism, rich storytelling, and diverse creative voices. Through this groundbreaking anthology, the series celebrates the strength and originality of African storytelling, inviting audiences to immerse themselves in a world where the future is shaped by the echoes of the past.
“Celebrating African Diversity: ‘Kizazi Moto Generation Fire’ Redefines Storytelling and Potential Sequel”
Nkeye, one of the creators of “Kizazi Moto Generation Fire,” believes that the series will challenge and reshape perceptions of Africa worldwide. However, she emphasizes that while the show is hailed as an “African original,” it represents a much broader cultural diversity that exists throughout the continent.
Recognizing the importance of supporting and respecting diverse storytelling approaches, Nkeye explains that she brought her Zimbabwean identity to a Kenyan film, understanding the need to embrace and uplift different cultural perspectives. This collaborative effort to build a cultural bridge proved to be a rewarding opportunity, successfully amplifying the voices of various African creators.
Commissioned by Disney+ in 2021, the series holds significant importance in providing a platform for Africa to be heard and seen on a global scale, according to Silverston. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and coordinating multiple teams across different countries, the project was undertaken with a commitment to showcasing the richness and potential of African storytelling.
Looking ahead, Nkeye expresses the desire to create a second season of “Kizazi Moto Generation Fire,” while Silverston suggests that any of the shorts could potentially be expanded upon. Orion Ross, Disney EMEA’s VP of animation, shares a similar sentiment, expressing the possibility of future spin-offs or new series within the anthology. Ross also acknowledges that the series has only scratched the surface of Africa’s vast cultural diversity and sees tremendous potential for further exploration in other countries and themes.
Overall, the creators and Disney recognize the significance of “Kizazi Moto Generation Fire” in paving the way for more diverse and inclusive storytelling, not just within Africa but potentially across different regions and themes as well.