Based on a True Story is a new crime series based on the comedy thriller genre, starring Kaley Cuoco, Chriss Messina, and Natalia Dyer, and is set to premiere on Peacock on June 8th, 2023. Based on a True Story is about how a realtor, a former tennis star, and a plumber are captivated by all things murder and use it to capitalize on America’s obsession with true crime.
When will ‘Based on a True Story’ release?
The new series is set to release exclusively on the streaming platform Peacock on June 8th with a total of 8 episodes.
Who is starring in ‘Based on a True Story’?
The cast of Based on a True Story includes Emmy Award Nominee, Kaley Cuoco as Ava Bartlett, and Chris Messina who plays Nathan Bartlett, husband of Ava Bartlett. The series also stars Natalia Dyer as Chloe Dyer, Tome Bateman as Matt Pierce, and Liana Liberato as Tory Thompson
The cast also includes Alex Alomar Akpobome, Anabelle Dexter-Jones, and Aisha Alfa.
What is the plot of ‘Based on a True Story’?
The story revolves around the Average American couple, Nathan Bartlett and Ava Bartlett. Nathan is a former tennis star and Ava is a realtor. They are a couple who is obsessed with crime-related stuff and often show their enthusiasm for the topic. With a baby on the way and finding it difficult to make ends meet, Ava comes up with the idea of starting their own crime podcast and using it as a means to not only lure the killer responsible for the murders in their area but also use it for their own profit, but it is really as simple as they think it is? and have they endangered their own lives in pursuit of true crime?
How to watch ‘Based on a True Story’?
You can watch ‘Based on a True Story’ on Peacock.
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You can watch the trailer of ‘Based on a True Story’ below.