Tiny Pretty Things is a Netflix series that follows the lives of elite ballet dancers at a prestigious academy. The show is based on the novel of the same name by Sona Charaipotra and Dhonielle Clayton, and it combines drama, mystery, romance, and dance. The first season ended with a shocking cliffhanger, leaving fans eager for more. Here’s everything we know so far about Tiny Pretty Things season 2.
Will there be a Tiny Pretty Things season 2?
Netflix has not officially renewed Tiny Pretty Things for a second season yet, but there is still hope. The show was well-received by critics and viewers, and it ranked among the top 10 most-watched shows on Netflix in several countries.
The show also has plenty of source material to draw from, as the novel has a sequel called Shiny Broken Pieces. The co-creators of the show, Michael MacLennan and Gary Fleder, have expressed their interest in continuing the story.
In an interview with Oprah Daily, MacLennan said, “We have a lot of ideas for season 2. We know where we want to take the characters and the relationships. We’re excited to dive deeper into the world of ballet and the characters’ personal lives.”
When will Tiny Pretty Things season 2 be released?
If Netflix decides to renew Tiny Pretty Things for a second season, it will likely take some time before it hits the screens. The first season was filmed in Toronto from August to December 2019, and it was released in December 2020.
Considering the production delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we can expect a similar or longer gap between seasons. A realistic estimate for Tiny Pretty Things season 2 release date would be late 2024 or early 2025.
Who will be in the cast of Tiny Pretty Things season 2?
The cast of Tiny Pretty Things season 1 featured a talented ensemble of actors and dancers, many of whom are expected to return for season 2. The main characters include:
- Lauren Holly as Monique Dubois, the ruthless director of the Archer School of Ballet
- Kylie Jefferson as Neveah Stroyer, a talented dancer from Inglewood who joins the school after Cassie’s fall
- Casimere Jollette as Bette Whitlaw, a privileged dancer who struggles with an injury and a toxic family
- Daniela Norman as June Park, a perfectionist dancer who faces pressure from her mother and competition from her peers
- Brennan Clost as Shane McRae, a confident dancer who explores his sexuality and forms a bond with Oren
- Michael Hsu Rosen as Nabil Limyadi, a devout Muslim dancer who mourns the loss of his girlfriend Cassie
- Damon J. Gillespie as Caleb Wick, a gifted dancer who works as a DJ and gets involved with Monique
- Bayardo De Murguia as Ramon Costa, a charismatic choreographer who clashes with Monique and has a secret affair with Delia
- Barton Cowperthwaite as Oren Lennox, a kind-hearted dancer who suffers from an eating disorder and falls in love with Shane
- Tory Trowbridge as Delia Whitlaw, Bette’s older sister and a famous ballet star who returns to Chicago
- Anna Maiche as Cassie Shore, the star dancer who survives a mysterious fall from the roof of the school
Some of the supporting characters who may also return for season 2 are:
- Jess Salgueiro as Isabel, a police officer who investigates Cassie’s fall
- Shaun Benson as Topher Brooks, a former dancer and teacher at the school
- Michelle Nolden as Katrina Whitlaw, Bette and Delia’s ambitious mother and a board member of the school
- Paula Boudreau as Selena Covey, June’s overbearing mother and a former dancer
- Alex Eling as Matteo Marchetti, June’s boyfriend and a student at the school
- Joshua St. John as Zane, Shane’s ex-boyfriend and Caleb’s rival
What will happen in Tiny Pretty Things season 2?
Tiny Pretty Things season 1 ended with several twists and revelations that set up the stage for season 2. We learned that Delia was the one who pushed Cassie off the roof, but Bette took the blame to protect her sister. We also learned that an unknown assailant killed Ramon, possibly someone he wronged in the past. Meanwhile, Neveah exposed Monique’s corruption and manipulation to the public, forcing her to resign from the school. After earning a scholarship, June decided to stay at the school, while Nabil reconciled with Cassie.
Tiny Pretty Things season 2 will likely pick up from where season 1 left off, and explore the consequences of these events.