The Chosen” is a television drama series created, directed, and co-written by American filmmaker Dallas Jenkins. The series is based on the life of Jesus Christ and depicts various events and stories from the New Testament , the series depicting the life of Jesus stars Jonathan Roumie in the role of the King of Kings. Making its debut on Sunday, July 16, the show will air on The CW as its first U.S. broadcast home. According to Deadline, The series will continue its run throughout the fall season, culminating with the Season 3 finale on Christmas Eve. While episodes are already available on platforms such as Peacock, Netflix, Roku, and BYUtv, The show has now found a new home on The CW.
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CW Renews Canadian Import “Sullivan’s Crossing” for Second Season Ahead of Premiere
Described as an unparalleled series that brings forth a historically significant narrative in a captivating and high-quality manner, The show is based on the most iconic intellectual property of all time. Brad Schwartz, The CW’s President of Entertainment, emphasized the deep connection the show has already forged with viewers worldwide, and he expressed the network’s commitment to expanding its audience even further. The show stands as the pioneering multi-season series of its kind, offering an authentic and intimate portrayal of Jesus’ revolutionary life and teachings, set against the backdrop of Jewish oppression in first-century Israel. As the fourth season of the show is currently in production, , the journey continues to unfold.
A Groundbreaking Multi-Season Series Expanding Its Global Reach with The CW”
Originating as a crowd sourcing endeavor on the Angel Studios app, The Chosen has transcended expectations to become a worldwide sensation, captivating over 110 million viewers in 175 countries. The series has ambitious plans to expand its reach by being accessible in 600 languages. With a staggering 6.5 million followers across various social media platforms, the show has not only achieved immense popularity but also attained commercial success, raking in $35 million through special-event theatrical releases. Moreover, it has inspired a range of merchandise, including an apparel line, best-selling books, DVDs, and an upcoming series of graphic novels. Distributed globally by Lionsgate, The Chosen’s impact knows no boundaries.
In a familiar move for The CW under Nexstar, they have once again displayed their confidence in a new show. Just recently, the network announced the renewal of Sullivan’s Crossing, a Canadian import, for a second season. Despite the fact that the show is set to premiere in the coming fall, The CW has already expressed its commitment to its future by extending its run.
After its successful debut on CTV in Canada, the series has gained significant popularity, becoming a hit among viewers. As a result, plans are underway to commence production for Season 2 in Nova Scotia during the upcoming fall season.