Loudermilk is a comedy series that follows Sam Loudermilk, a former music critic and recovering alcoholic who works as a substance abuse counselor. The show, created by Peter Farrelly and Bobby Mort, premiered on Audience Network in 2017 and ran for three seasons until 2020. After Audience Network shut down, the show was picked up by Amazon Prime Video, which released the third season in December 2020. Fans of the show are eagerly waiting for the fourth season, which has been confirmed by the creators. Here is everything we know so far about Loudermilk Season 4.
Why isn’t Loudermilk Season 4 happening yet?
There is no official release date for Loudermilk Season 4 yet, but the creators have hinted that it could be sometime in 2024. In an interview with Collider, Peter Farrelly said, “We’re hoping to shoot it in the spring or summer of next year. We have a great idea for it. We’re very excited about it. We just have to wait until things calm down a little bit.” Bobby Mort added, “We have a lot of scripts written. We’re ready to go. We just need the green light from Amazon.”
Who will be back in next season?
The main cast of Loudermilk is expected to return for the fourth season, including Ron Livingston as Sam Loudermilk, Will Sasso as Ben Burns, Anja Savcic as Claire Wilkes, Laura Mennell as Allison Montgomery, Toby Levins as Carl Muntz, Jackie Flynn as Tony Demeo, and Mark Brandon as Jeremy Wilkes. There is no word on any new additions to the cast yet, but the show has featured guest stars such as Danny Wattley, Ricky Blitt, Brian Regan, and Timothy Olyphant in previous seasons.
What could be explored in Loudermilk Season 4?
The plot of Loudermilk Season 4 is still under wraps, but the creators have teased that it will be different from the previous seasons. In an interview with TV Insider, Peter Farrelly said, “We’re going to shake it up a little bit. We’re going to do something that we haven’t done before. It’s going to be fun. It’s going to be a little bit of a departure, but not too much.” Bobby Mort added, “It’s going to be a challenge for Sam and his group. It’s going to put them in a situation that they haven’t been in before.”
The third season ended with Sam and Allison reconciling their relationship after she revealed that she was pregnant with his child. Ben also found love with his neighbor Gina, while Claire and Jeremy decided to move to New York together. The fourth season will likely explore how these characters deal with their new circumstances and how they cope with their addiction and recovery.