The police drama “Delhi Crime” on Netflix focuses on a new crime each season. Richie Mehta made it and depicts a dramatized account of crimes inspired by actual crimes. The 2012 gang rape case is the subject of the first season, while the serial homicides thought to have been committed by the notorious Kachha Baniyan gang are the subject of the second season.
After receiving praise for both seasons, the show won Outstanding Drama Series at the 2020 International Emmy Awards. The show has captivated audiences with its heartbreaking tales, excellent performances from the cast, and accurate depiction of police investigations. It seems sensible for a fan to be curious about the third season following the publication of the second season. What will it be about, and when will it be released? Let’s investigate.
Will there be Delhi Crime Season 3?
According to some reports, the work on the third season has already begun and the script is being written by Sudhanshu Saria, a National Film Award-winning writer-director. He said that the season will go into production in a couple of months and he wants to build on the legacy of the previous seasons. However, Netflix has not officially announced the renewal of the show or its release date.
Is Delhi Crime complete?
Delhi Crime is not complete yet, as there are more stories to tell and more crimes to explore. The show’s creator, Richie Mehta, has said that he has a vision for six seasons and he wants to cover different aspects of Delhi’s society and culture through the lens of crime. He also said that he wants to keep the core cast of Shefali Shah, Rasika Dugal and Rajesh Tailang intact, as they play the roles of police officers who investigate the cases. However, he also hinted that there might be some changes in their characters and locations in the future seasons.
Delhi Crime Season 3 Release Date: Speculation
The second “Delhi Crime” season debuted on Netflix on August 26, 2022. There are five 40–50 minute episodes in total. The second season got a lot of praise for its sharp writing and the realistic portrayal of real-life events, much like its predecessor. The program’s third season is already in production, despite no formal announcement from Netflix (She Season 3). The third season’s script was written by writer-director Sudhanshu Saria, who won a National Film Award in 2021. Now that Season 3 is being written. It will start manufacturing in a few months; he told The Hindu.
Actress Shefali Shah also expressed happiness as ‘Delhi Crime’ is expanding its universe.
She wrote on Instagram, “Madam sir is coming back with Delhi Crime Season 3..only on @netflix_in,”.
Saria added, “I want to build on it. When I talk about my approach to Season 3, I talk about how I want to carry on the heritage of my predecessors, whose work has made it such a big success. I want to sprint forward with the baton. They got a lot of things right. The show’s ensemble cast is its most amazing gift. I’m overjoyed that they wanted me to participate and thought about me.”
The next episode is anticipated to arrive relatively soon, given that the show’s screenplay was already being prepared in 2021. Although it hasn’t been officially confirmed, filming will start after the script is finished. Given everything, we anticipate the third “Delhi Crime” season to air in the first half of 2024.
Delhi Crime Season 3 Cast: Who will be in it?
Shefali Shah plays the major character of DCP Vartika Chaturvedi in “Delhi Crime.” She gets promoted to DIG before the end of the second season, but she is also moved to “somewhere secluded.” We don’t know where Chaturvedi has been sent, but that could indicate that she won’t be available to work with her team to solve another case. However, with all the paperwork and other requirements, getting moved can be a drawn-out process. This might enable Chaturvedi to remain for long enough to finish another case.
The show also features Neeti Singh, played by Rasika Dugal, as a strong female character in addition to Shah’s character. She was an IPS trainee in the first season, but in the second season, she is a legitimate police officer. She may have to handle the case’s resolution in Chaturvedi’s absence. Thus, she will require her staff. This calls for the return of Inspector Bhupendra Singh of Rajesh Tailang, Sub-Inspector Jairaj Singh of Anurag Arora, Sub-Inspector Sudhir Kumar of Gopal Datt, and SHO Subhash Gupta of Sidharth Bhardwaj. The Commissioner of Police under Adil Hussain, Kumar Vijay, is also anticipated to be present, mainly to demonstrate to Neeti Singh how the bureaucracy operates because Chaturvedi had previously protected her from it.
The show will require fresh actors to depict the criminals and red herrings, among other characters, as there will be a new case to solve. A new DCP is also anticipated to emerge if Chaturvedi were to depart. Considering this, Season 3 will welcome many new cast members.
Delhi Crime Season 3 Plot: What Can It Be About?
Actual police cases influenced Delhi Crime’s first two seasons. The third edition is anticipated to follow the same path. With its second season, the program has demonstrated its talent for fusing two distinct true crimes to deliver a single story for the season. The national capital is filled with every manner of crime.
The “Delhi Crime” events are not limited to any particular year or timeframe because they have been fictionalized. Other case files could serve as the basis for the show’s upcoming season, including the 2009 murder of IT specialist Jigisha Ghosh, the murdering spree of Devendra Sharma, aka Doctor Death, the slaying of journalist Jessica Lal, and the terrifying 2006 Nithari child murders. Although the plot’s specifics are unknown, it is clear that this will be a challenging case that must be handled quickly.
Delhi Crime Season 3 Trailer: Where can I watch it?
Delhi Crime season 3 is still under production, so we don’t have a trailer yet, but you can watch the season 2 trailer to refresh your memory.