Dare Me is a dark and twisted drama series that explores the world of competitive cheerleading and the secrets that lie beneath its glossy surface. The show is based on the novel of the same name by Megan Abbott, who also serves as a co-creator and executive producer. Dare Me follows the lives of two best friends, Addy and Beth, who are shaken by the arrival of a new coach, Colette, who challenges their loyalty, ambition and power. The show also delves into a mysterious death that haunts the characters and exposes their dark sides.
Will there be another season of Dare Me?
The first season of Dare Me premiered on USA Network in December 2019 and was later picked up by Netflix for international distribution in March 2020. The show received positive reviews from critics and audiences, who praised its performances, cinematography, soundtrack and themes. However, in April 2020, USA Network announced that it had cancelled the show after one season, leaving fans disappointed and wondering about the fate of their favorite characters.
Dare Me was a big hit for the streaming service, but they weren’t involved in funding the series as co-producers, only distributing it. This might have been a factor in the USA Network’s decision to cancel the show.
But there is still hope for Dare Me fans, as Netflix has the option to renew the show for a second season. According to Deadline, Netflix has a 30-day window after the first season’s debut on the streaming platform to decide whether to order more episodes or not. This means that Netflix could potentially announce the renewal of Dare Me by April 2020. However, as of now, there is no official confirmation from Netflix or the show’s creators about the status of Dare Me season 2.
If Netflix does decide to renew Dare Me for a second season, it is likely that it will follow the same production schedule as the first season, which took about nine months to film and edit. This means that Dare Me season 2 could premiere on Netflix sometime in late 2021 or early 2022. However, this is just an estimate and could change depending on various factors, such as the availability of the cast and crew, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the entertainment industry, and the creative direction of the show.
The cast of Dare Me season 2 would probably include most of the main actors from the first season, such as Willa Fitzgerald as Colette French, Herizen Guardiola as Addy Hanlon, Marlo Kelly as Beth Cassidy, Rob Heaps as Matt French, Zach Roerig as Will Mosley, Paul Fitzgerald as Bert Cassidy and Alison Thornton as Tacy Cassidy. Additionally, some new characters could be introduced to spice up the drama and add more layers to the story.
The plot of Dare Me season 2 would likely continue from where the first season left off, with Colette being arrested for her involvement in Will’s death, Addy running away with her after discovering her secret, and Beth being left behind to deal with the consequences. The second season could explore how Colette and Addy cope with being on the run, how Beth tries to reclaim her power and position in the squad, and how the other characters react to the shocking revelations and events. The second season could also adapt more elements from Abbott’s novel, such as Colette’s past, Addy’s family issues and Beth’s mental health.
Dare Me: Where to Watch?
While Dare Me Season 2’s destiny is unknown, fans can still enjoy the excitement and drama of past seasons on Netflix. Despite the cancellation, the existing episodes are still available for streaming, allowing new viewers to immerse themselves in Dare Me’s complex web of secrets and emotions. So, while we wait for a rebirth, enjoy the exciting ride that awaits you on the streaming platform.