The Changeling is an upcoming horror fantasy TV series created by Kelly Marcel and directed by Melina Matsoukas. The series is adapted from the novel of the same name by Victor LaValle for Apple TV+. The series is based on a similar genre of shows like ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’ and ‘Abducted by My Teacher’.
In August 2021, Apple TV+ greenlit the series with Kelly Marcel set to be the writer and the showrunner for the series. The British screenwriter is well-known for ‘Saving Mr. Banks’ (2013) and ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ (2015). Here’s everything you need to know about The Changeling.
The Changeling: Release Date
The Changeling is being produced by Annapurna Television and Apple Studios. An official release date has been confirmed and The Changeling will be released on September 8, 2023, on Apple TV+.
The show will premiere with 3 episodes and the remaining 5 episodes will be released on a weekly basis. There will be 8 episodes in total.
What to Expect in The Changeling?
As per the novel, Apollo Kagwa is settling into his new life as a committed lover and loving father. He wants to set a good example for his wife, Lilian, and their child, unlike his father who abandoned him and his wife Emma, when she began acting strangely.
But things go wrong when Emma commits a horrific crime, beyond any parent’s comprehension and disappears into thin air. Now he must travel through a different New York in order to find his wife and try to bring back their child.
The series is likely to adapt from the novel but add its modern twist. Victor LaValle’s fantasy horror novel is considered one of the best of its time. The author won the 2018 World Fantasy Award for Best Novel.
The Changeling: Cast
Apple TV+ has released the official cast list for The Changeling. The cast does have some of the Hollywood A-listers along with your favorites. Here’s a look at all the actors and actresses in the show along with the characters they are playing.
- LaKeith Stanfield as Apollo Kagwa
- Adina Porter as Lillian Kagwa
- Alexis Louder as Young Lilian Kagwa
- Samuel T. Herring as William Wheeler
- Amirah Vann as Kim Valentine
- Malcolm Barrett as Patrice Green
- Jared Abrahamson as Brian West
The Changeling: Trailer
Apple TV+ has released the official trailer for the horror series. The Changeling is all set to release on the streaming platform, Apple Tv+ on September 8, 2023.