Sister Boniface Mysteries is a British cosy mystery detective period comedy drama television series, created by Jude Tindall, which is produced by BBC Studios and BritBox. It is a spin-off of Father Brown, as the Sister Boniface character was introduced in a Father Brown episode (Series 1, Episode 6: “The Bride of Christ”).
The series is set in England during the early 1960s. Sister Boniface is a Catholic nun at St. Vincent’s Convent in the fictional town of Great Slaughter in the Cotswolds. In addition to her religious duties at the convent, she makes wine and has a PhD in forensic science, allowing her to serve as a scientific adviser to the local police on investigations.
The three regularly featured police officers are Detective Inspector Sam Gillespie (revealed in episode 9 to be a former army officer), Detective Sergeant Felix Livingstone (on secondment from the police force of the Imperial fortress colony of Bermuda ), and Constable (WPC) Peggy Button.
Sister Boniface Season 3 Potential Plot: What’s next?
The second series of Sister Boniface Mysteries ended with a cliffhanger, as Sister Boniface was kidnapped by a mysterious assailant who claimed to be her brother. The third series will likely explore this shocking revelation and its implications for Sister Boniface’s identity and family history.
The third series will also continue to follow the cases that Sister Boniface and the police team solve in Great Slaughter, ranging from murders to espionage to thefts. Some of the guest stars confirmed for the third series include Mark Williams as Father Brown, Sylvestra Le Touzel as Prunella Gladwell, John Thomson as Leonard Monk, Maggie Steed as Vivienne Bonham-Crane (Sister Boniface’s mother), Geoff McGivern as Malise Bonham-Crane (Sister Boniface’s father), Mat Fraser as Clement Rugg, reporter, Jack Gouldbourne as Norman Walley, junior reporter, classmate of Peggy Button.
Sister Boniface Season 3 Cast: Who’s in it?
The main cast of Sister Boniface Mysteries will return for the third series, including:
- Lorna Watson as Sister Boniface, a Catholic nun
- Max Brown as Sam Gillespie, a Detective Inspector
- Jerry Iwu as Felix Livingstone, a Detective Sergeant on secondment from Bermuda
- Ami Metcalf as Peggy Button, a Constable (WPC)
Supporting cast members include:
- Belinda Lang as Mrs. Clam
- Carolyn Pickles as Reverend Mother Adrian
- Virginia Fiol as Sister Reginald
- Tina Chiang as Sister Peter
- David Sterne as Tom Thomas
- Ivan Kaye as Ted Button
- Sarah Crowden as Miss Thimble
- Robert Daws as Chief Constable Hector Lowsley
Will there be Sister Boniface Season 3?
Yes, Sister Boniface Mysteries was commissioned for a third series by BritBox and BBC Studios. Filming began on series three on 22 June 2023.
Sister Boniface Season 3 Release Date: Speculation!
There is no official release date for Sister Boniface Season 3 yet, but based on the previous series’ schedules, it is likely that it will premiere on BritBox in the US in early 2024, and on UKTV Drama channel in the UK later in 2024.
Similar Shows Like Sister Boniface
If you enjoy watching Sister Boniface Mysteries, you might also like these similar shows:
- Father Brown: The original series that introduced Sister Boniface, based on the stories by G.K. Chesterton, starring Mark Williams as a crime-solving Catholic priest in the 1950s.
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- Murder in Provence: A French mystery series about an investigative journalist who returns to her hometown in Provence and gets involved in solving crimes, starring Cecile Bois.
- McDonald & Dodds: A crime drama series about a mismatched detective duo in Bath, starring Tala Gouveia and Jason Watkins.
- Beyond Paradise: A Canadian mystery series about a former detective who moves to Fiji and becomes a private investigator, starring Stephen Hunter and Melissa Rao.