Marvel’s Secret Invasion is an upcoming highly anticipated television series that is based on the Marvel comic with the same name and storyline. The story involves Skrulls, a group of shapeshifting aliens, and their plan to invade planet Earth.
Secret Invasion was a huge crossover event in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) and is likely to follow suit. The show definitely will be based on the source material but is likely to have its own narrative to it.
When will the Secret Invasion be released?
The Marvel Series is said to release on June 21, 2023.
Where to watch the Secret Invasion?
The series is said to air on Disney+ where you can watch the six-episode season.
Who is starring in Secret Invasion?
The cast of Marvel’s Secret Invasion is filled with talented actors and the lineup features faces that have already been a part of the MCU before as well as new additions to the franchise.
Samuel.L.Jackson leads the cast and he is back in the iconic role of Nick Fury, former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Fans surely are excited to see him back in his role and the commanding presence he holds as Nick Fury is here to continue.
Also returning to former role, is Ben Mendelsohn, as Talos, the Skrull, previously featured on ‘Captain Marvel’. Emilia Clarke, renowned for her role as Daenerys Targaryen in ‘Game of Thrones’ becomes a part of the Marvel Universe along with Academy Award-winning actress, Olivia Colman.
The series also stars
- Kingsley Ben-Adir
- Cobbie Smulders
- Martin Freeman
- Don Cheadle
- Killian Scott
While specific details of each role being played are kept under wraps, such a star-studded lineup can definitely guarantee an action-packed performance in the series.
The Plot of Secret Invasion
In Secret Invasion, Skrulls who are shapeshifting aliens are said to have replaced key individuals on Earth (superheroes, influential people) to help them with their plan of secretly invading the planet. (hence, the name Secret Invasion).
Nick Fury along with Talos, another Skrull work together to go after the imposter Skrulls and end the threat, once and for all. As it follows events after Avengers Endgame, Nick Fury happens to be among those turned to dust by Thanos. He comes back to life as per the events that happen in Endgame and starts his journey to investigate more about the Skrulls.
While other specific details of the series are yet to see the light of day, it is expected that the show will further expand with other universes and will have a massive impact on future storylines.